As a kid growing up, was there anything better than running around outside, jumping in puddles or climbing trees? It’s what kept my friends and me busy for hours each day. I loved it! Today, however, outside time has been replaced with computers and video games. People, especially kids, are not outside nearly as much as they used to be.
While in Melbourne, I partnered with The Nature Conservancy of Australia to photograph people enjoying the outdoors for a campaign they are calling “Nature Needs People”. My thought was that if people are outside enjoying these spaces, they will build a connection to that place and fight to protect it, make improvements and ensure that it will be around for generations.
One of my favorite shoots from that day was with the Hirst family. The kids were so excited to play and get dirty!
We spent the first half hour skipping rocks in the stream and splashing around. I may have also fallen in. Thank goodness I was the only one taking pictures!
The perfect skipping rock!
Next, we were off to explore the wonders that hide in the woods. It was awesome to watch the kids’ imaginations run wild. I think that is why I love this photo so much. You can just tell that they are no longer in Melbourne, but some far away land.
When we were finishing up, the kids began to cry. They had had such a great time that they didn’t want to leave.
I want every child to feel this way about the outdoors! How incredible would that be!?