Crazy and unexpected, that is the only way to describe how the last few days have gone. For the first time during Alycat’s Walkabout, things did not go at all according to plan. One my flight back to Melbourne from Sydney, I experienced some severe medical issues that ended up keeping me from flying to New Zealand as planned this weekend. As you can imagine, I was devastated. But after reworking the schedule for our last week and getting some much needed R&R, I am ready to tackle our exciting project in New Zealand.
Since I was in Australia three days longer than planned, my friends decided to give me the non-touristy tour of Melbourne. Melbourne is known for it’s laneway culture, the side street cafes and bars, the art. They took me down this little side street named Hosier Lane. It has become the hub for street art in Melbourne. The designs are intricate and so well done! While we were visiting, several artists were out working on projects. We spent quite a while watching them. It was fascinating to watch them work!
To say these artists are talented would be an understatement. To watch them sketch out a design on a piece of paper then transform it on the wall with spray paint, gosh, it blew my mind!
While spray painting walls is illegal in the city, it is accepted and allowed on Hosier Lane. In fact, the city art association encourages and supports it. Artists spend days even weeks working on their murals.
One this particular day, a set of artists were asking visitors to add their own “art” to the wall. They brought out stencils and different color spray paint and had people cover a certain area of the wall. Of course, I had to do it! I couldn’t miss my chance to leave a small mark on this wonderful city.
The stencil I chose was a person jumping. My interpretation was of someone jumping with excitement or joy. Even with my medical bump in the road, this is how I feel. I’m excited about this trip, what it has meant to me and the people I have met. I jump for joy over the things I have been able to accomplish and the work still to be done.
It is the last week of my adventure, and I am so ready to tackle it. Bring on New Zealand!