T-Minus Two Weeks!

Two weeks from today, Hannah and I will be landing in Melbourne, Australia to begin an adventure of a lifetime. It is hard to believe how quickly October is flying by! We are in the middle of one of our busiest times of the year. From weddings to fall family photos, there is plenty going on. Add in our Scare Away Hunger food drive and finalizing five weeks of work on the other side of the world, it’s amazing I am still functioning following weeks of little sleep.

Even more amazing is the fact that the list of things to do keeps getting longer as the days pass.The list has shifted from trip planning to life preparation. Do the animals all have enough food to make it until December? Have all clients been followed up with? Is our health insurance in order, and do I need any weird vaccines? Yes, this is what the last month has become: the epic “how will I every get this all done” trip list.

The most exciting part of all this craziness is being able to look at my calendar and follow the planned out adventure. Here is how things are shaping up so far:

  • November 1: We fly to L.A. and spend the night with some great friends.
  • November 2: Australia bound! Since we cross the international date line, we will actually land on Tuesday, November 4th local Melbourne time, but it will still feel like the 3rd to us!
  • November 4 to 6: Melbourne working with The Nature Conservancy and Conservation Volunteers
  • November 6 to 7: Drive the Great Ocean Road
  • November 8 to 10: Little Desert National Park working with Conservation Volunteers in the Outback!
  • November 11 to 12: Kangaroo Island where Hannah will finally get to hold a Koala Bear!
  • November 13 to 15: Adelaide working with Conservation Volunteers
  • November 15 to 16: Perth working with The Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife. Happy birthday, Nathan!
  • November 17 to 20: back to Melbourne to work with The Nature Conservancy
  • November 20 to 24: Brisbane. Completing a life dream of diving on the Great Barrier Reef as well as working with The Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife
  • November 25 to 27: Sydney! We’ll be working again with The Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife
  • November 28 to December 4: New Zealand bound to work with Bike On New Zealand!
  • December 5: A day we will live twice! Fly home.

It’s crazy to look at the whole trip together. I’ve been so focused on each little section that it’s hard to get the scale of what we are going to be tackling. Then I look at the calendar and take it all in. It’s thrilling, scary and overwhelming. And in less than two weeks, I’ll take a long, deep breath as those emotion stir up the butterflies in my stomach before I step on the flight to L.A. I can’t wait!

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